View recorded coffee breaks on our YouTube Channel! Monthly ProgramJanuary 11 | 5:30-7:00 pm2022 State of the ChapterSpeakers: Kiara Fite, Communication & Outreach Coordinator at Flance Early Learning Center; Ben Evans, Federal Legislative Director for USGBC...
The what and why behind rebranding. For several years, our board and our Engagement & Outreach Committee (formerly Membership & Marketing Committee) have been discussing the possibility of refreshing our brand. The conversation started with the need for a new...
On the evening of July 12, 2022, Missouri Gateway Green Building Council hosted our monthly educational program with Building Energy Exchange St. Louis, a project of Missouri Gateway Chapter, at Rockwell Beer Company. Fueled by delicious appetizers and an open bar,...
In an effort to shed some light on what being a green building professional means and encourage new entrants into the industry, the Engagement & Outreach Committee at Missouri Gateway Green Building Council launched “I am a Green Building Professional” campaign to...
Did you know that the City of St. Louis was just the fourth jurisdiction in the United States to pass a Building Energy Performance Standard – and the first in the Midwest? We’re so proud to have played a role in getting both the benchmarking &...