Join a Committee
Committee members are required to:
- Maintain current Missouri Gateway Green Building Council Membership
- Attend 9 out of 12 committee meetings during a one-year period
- Take an active role in the work of the committee, which may involve time outside of committee meetings
- Review the Chapter Conflict of Interest Policy
- Note that meeting dates and times may change.

Chair: Steve O’Rourke, EnerGuidance
Aim: Promote and advocate green building practices and policies to overcome barriers related to green building implementation.
Advocacy Committee activities include the development of the Better Buildings Through Benchmarking Campaign, supporting the local governments to implement sustainability initiatives, supporting non-profits and community groups green their building operations, maintaining the partnership with Missouri Interfaith Power & Light, and managing the Speakers Bureau.
Meets: 1st Wednesday at noon via Teams
Chair: David Charles, Built Interior Construction
Aim: Develop opportunities for council and community members to expand their knowledge of green building principles and practices.
The Education Committee is responsible for establishing the yearly program schedule including monthly evening programs, in-depth seminars, tech talks and the new Continuing Education Blitz.
Meets: 1st Tuesday, 5:30 – 7:00 pm at the Missouri Gateway Green Building Council office

Green Schools (K-12) Committee
Co-Chairs: Tori Cheatham, renew Missouri, & Brian Nikodym, Brentwood School District (retired)
Aim: Green Schools for all within this generation.
The Green Schools Committee encourages, educates and provides tools to local schools and school districts to adopt green practices within their physical place (buildings and grounds), educational programming, and organizational culture aimed at reducing environmental impact and costs, improving health and wellness of students and staff, and increasing environmental and sustainability literacy. The committee supports the development, refinement, and expansion of the Missouri Green Schools, Green Schools Quest, and ED-Green Ribbon Schools programs. This is a joint committee of the Missouri Gateway Green Building Council and the Missouri Environmental Education Association (MEEA).
Meets: 3rd Wednesday, 4:30 – 6:00 pm. Virtual meeting via Zoom.
Emerging Professionals
Our Emerging Professionals welcome students, young professionals and individuals new to the green building field into our green building community through happy hours, community services events, and the opportunity to network with seasoned green professionals. Subscribe to EP emails here.
EP Happy Hours: 1st Thursday, 4:30 – 6:00 pm at various Green Dining Alliance patios. Visit the Chapter Calendar for details.

International Living Future Institute (ILFI)
Missouri Gateway Green Building Council is now a Pilot Allied Organization of the International Living Future Institute, the creator of a number of forward-thinking certifications and initiatives related to the built environment – including the Living Building Challenge, Declare Label, and JUST program. All of these programs are rooted in ILFI’s mission to lead the transformation toward a civilization that is socially just, culturally rich, and ecologically restorative. Our Pilot status means that Missouri Gateway Green Building Council members can access ILFI member webinars. To learn more contact us at
Engagement & Outreach
Chair: Ben Henningsen, DIRTT Environmental Solutions
Aim: Develop strategies to enhance communication with and among members.
The Engagement & Outreach Committee tasks include the development and implementation of member recruitment, member retention, and brand awareness strategies, organizing biannual member socials and implementing marketing projects
Meets: 3rd Tuesday, 8:00 – 9:00 am at Reed Burkett Lighting Design

Want to join a committee?
To join a committee or for more information, please contact the committee chair or reach out to staff at or (314) 577-0854.