Members in the News (Archive January 2011 – April 2014)

by | Apr 3, 2014 | Member Network

April 4th, 2014
Dan Jay of Christner, Inc was recently featured on Mayor Slay’s Website in a blog post titled “STL pop. 500,000.”  The post can be read in full here.

October 31st2013
Patty Maher of Tiger Lily Development and former Growing Green Award recipient received a Kick-Ass Award from 52nd City, and Gary Steps of Butterfly Energy Works was featured in the St. Louis Post Dispatch Article “Passive House Stands Out From the Pack.”

September 10th2013
Marc Lopata, president and principal engineer of Microgrid Solar and past Board Chair of the Chapter, Chapter member Peder Hulse of Green Street St. Louis,  & Chapter member Mary Ostafi, founding director of Urban Harvest STL and sustainability Strategist with HOK, were all featured in the September issue of Feast Magazine. The article, “Low Impact, High Design: St. Louis Architects Build Green Restaurants from the Ground Up”, can be read in full here.

September 4th, 2013
Jean Ponzi, EarthWays Center Green Resources Manager, was recently published on The article, “Green Chamber of Commerce Program Helps St. Louis Pick Up the Pace” can be read in full here.

July 24, 2013
Rick Hunter, CEO of Microgrid Solar, was mentioned recently in the July 5-11 edition of the St. Louis Business Journal discussing the impending phase-out of solar rebates.  The article may be read in full here.

July 12, 2013
Alli Carmen, CEO of Material Mix, was featured in the St. Louis Business Journal’s 2013 “30 under 30” class.

July 3, 2013
Ralph Waferof Ralph Eglin Wafer Architecture & Planning, was featured in the St. Louis Beacon recently for his work on a local passive house.

May 19, 2013
Multiple USGBC chapter members, including Thomas Taylor, Grant Lanham, and Greg Mueller, and sponsors, including Vertegy, BSI Constructors, and Cannon Design, were featured in the St. Louis Green LEED-ers edition of the St. Louis Business Journal.

February 19, 2013
Erik Lueders, Sustainability & Purchasing Manager at Parkway School District, was featured on Fox2 News talking about Parkways solar panel installation.

February 2013
Rick Hunter, CEO of Microgrid Solar, was featured in the St. Louis Business Journal’s 2013 “40 Under 40” class.

Mary Ostafi, Sustainability Specialist at HOK was featured in the St. Louis Business Journal’s 2013 “40 Under 40” class.

February 1, 2013
Jeff Bogard, 
with R.E.A. Homes, was featured in the Shoptalk section of the February 1 issue of the St. Louis Business Journal. Jeff gets kudos from St. Louis Blues forward Andy McDonald for building a home for McDonald’s family that is energy efficient, healthy and comfortable!

July 27, 2012
Dave Zimmerman
, of Sheet Metal Workers’ Local 36 and Emily Andrews, USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter’s Executive Director, were featured in a St. Louis Business Journal article about the new headquarters of the Sheet Metal Workers’ Local 36, which is seeking LEED Platinum certification.

July 12, 2012
Jan Niehaus of Communication by Design and Paul Todd Merrill of Clayco appeared in an article in The Electrical Distributor, a trade magazine. The article, about Villa Lighting’s LEED certified headquarters and warehouse, was written by Niehaus.

June 15, 2012
Marc Lopata, of Microgrid Solar and USGBC-Missouri Gateway Board Chair, was featured in the Five Questions column in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Marc discussed his company’s work to reduce water and energy consumption at Busch Stadium as well as the High Performance Building Initiative.

May 2, 2012
Dan Andrews, of Sheet Metal Workers’ Local 36, was featured in an article and a news interview about the Sheet Metal Workers new headquarters and training school that is seeking LEED Platinum certification.

May 2, 2012
Rick Hunter of Microgrid Energy & Jim Curran of St. Louis Electrical Connection were featured in an article about the St. Louis Cardinals new solar panels.

March 30, 2012
Lisa Thompson, of EcoScapes Sustainability Solutions, LLC and chair of the USGBC-Missouri Gateway Higher Education committee recently published an article about daylighting in the March 2012 issue of Retail Environments Magazine.

March 21, 2012
Nancy Rodney, of Rosemann and Associates and USGBC-Missouri Gateway Board member, was featured on Fox 2 New’s Precious Earth discussing the 4th Annual Growing Green Awards.

March 8, 2012
Jane Quartel, of Halcyon Shades, earned the Flag of Freedom Award

Ann Mack, of Trailnet, published a guest commentary in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch

February 24, 2012
Allison Carmen, founder of MaterialMix in the St. Louis Post Dispatch

February 9, 2012
Emily Andrews, Executive Director of USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter has been featured in the St. Louis Business Journals “40 under 40”

Fred Biermann, Director of Pre-Construction at Kozeny-Wagner has been featured in the St. Louis Business Journal’s “40 under 40”

January 26, 2012
Thomas Taylor, general manager of Vertegy, An Alberici Enterprise, has been featured in the St. Louis Construction and Real Estate E-news

Teri Pesapane, of Growing Green, Inc., was recently featured in the St. Louis Business Journal

Mary Ostafi, of HOK , was featured in an article of the St. Louis Business Journal

January 19, 2012
Jeff Day, architect at Jeff Day & Associates, was featured in an article of the St. Louis Post Dispatch

Emily Andrews, Executive Director of USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter, was featured in an article of the Suburban Journals

November 3, 2011
Congratulations to Chapter members who were recipients of the St. Louis Business Journal’s 2011 Heroes of the Planet Awards!

  • Randy Lewis, of Walsh & Associates
  • Marc Lopata & Rick Hunter, of Microgrid Energy
  • Megan Ridgeway, of Arcturis
  • Bill Carson, of McCormack Baron Salazar

July15, 2011
Tony Ruebsam, of S.M. Wilson & Co was named to the St. Louis Business Journal’s 2011 30 Under 30 list. Congrats Tony!

July 6, 2011
USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter’s 10-Year Anniversary was featured in the July – August issue of St. Louis Construction News & Real Estate. The article reviews USGBC-MO Gateway’s history, growth, effect, and future in the context of local sustainable development over the past decade. Chapter members Timothy Michels, JoAnn Brookes, Deborah Frank, Marc Lopata, Paul Todd Merrill, and Pat Justis are quoted.

June 24, 2011
The City of Clayton was recognized by the St. Louis Business Journal for becoming the first city in Missouri to become an EPA Green Power Community. Chapter members Cindy Bambini of 3 Degrees, Inc. and Linda Goldstein, Mayor of Clayton, were quoted in the article.

May 12, 2011
Paul Todd Merrill, Clayco and Chair of our Board of Directors in the St. Louis Business Journal

March 18, 2011
Tim Gaidis, HOK; George Fujii, Tarlton; Phillip Hulse, Green Street Developers; & Emily Andrews Executive Director of USGBC-MO Gateway in the St. Louis Business Journal article about theoretical, but doable net-zero design.

February 15, 2011
Tony Ruebsam, S.M. Wilson & Company and Chair of the Chapter’s Higher Education Subcommittee spoke in RCGA’s Green Symposium video about Green Employers and also spoke about the Chapter’s St. Louis Green Shadow Program on NineNetwork of Public Media

Jay Swoboda, EcoUrban in an episode of Marketplace Public Radio discussing energy efficiency of homes

February 1, 2011
Joseph Ostafi, HOK & Michael Roark, Geotechnology in the St. Louis Business Journal

January 19, 2011
Tim Michels, Energy Solutions, Inc appeared on KWMU’s St. Louis on the Air discussing energy efficiency.