Natalie Meyer, Senior Account Executive at Siemens – Smart Infrastructure: Digital, Energy, Mechanical, Electrical Services
Missouri Gateway Green Building Council Member since 2016
Chair of the Advocacy Committee & Green School Mentor
Description of your work in green building: At Siemens, we specialize in solutions that solve problems for our clients. One of those problems is addressing their impact on the environment. We support clients’ goals around carbon reduction, sustainability, and resiliency. Our clients cover nearly every type of building including commercial, higher education, data center, federal, hospitals, and pharmaceutical. They all have varying facility footprints, but their goals are all the same – our built environment must have a more sustainable impact on the global environment.
Sustainability passion: I have been drawn to sustainable buildings and solutions since my junior year of college. Finding ways to own, operate and manage buildings more sustainably has been my passion and my north star both professionally and personally. The age of digitalization is exciting because it allows us to do that in ways we couldn’t 20 years ago. It also allows us to be active participants in the sustainability journey of a building’s life cycle.
Most meaningful experience with MGGBC Chapter: Participating in the Green Schools Quest with my 3 daughters at our parish school, Sacred Heart, in Florissant. We were able to teach all students age Pre-K through 8th grade about sustainable practices in composting, energy efficiency, waste management, and recycling. I can’t wait to do it again next year!
What will most impact the future of green building: Data analytics and the digital twin. The more we can diagnose and address building inefficiencies quickly and succinctly, the more sustainable our buildings become. This involves things like monitoring-based commissioning, space utilization, and predictive analytics. Data will help us drive the best decisions in our buildings.
Favorite LEED (or sustainability) Project: In 2022, we helped a pharmaceutical customer reduce their energy consumption by over 1M kWh annually. This amounted to roughly $130,000 in savings annually and utility incentives of over $100,000. We continue to engineer new projects that are further exceeding these savings. These projects are now highlighted and presented to the global sustainability team. The most exciting and memorable part of this experience is knowing that this one project impacted global decisions around future sustainability initiatives.
Favorite place in the St. Louis region or Missouri Gateway GBC territory: OLD TOWN FLORISSANT! Our family co-owns and manages a restaurant in Old Town Florissant called Henke’s Tavern. The love and support we get from the community make Florissant one of the best places in St. Louis. People are so supportive and loving of one another. For anyone who hasn’t given North County a chance – please do, you will love it!