2016 Educational Events

by | Dec 31, 2016 | Education

January 12
State of the Chapter Program & Social

January 27
Resilient Design LEED Pilot Credits
Speaker: Mary Ann Lazarus, FAIA, Principal, MALeco, LLC

February 9
Energy Benchmarking in Midwestern Metropolises

Speakers: Kathryn Eggers, Elevate Energy; Jennifer Gunby, KC City Energy Project

February 16
The Green Rehab Experiment: Testing Sustainable Redevelopment Strategies

Speakers: Donald N. Koster III, Washington University in St. Louis; Phil Valko, Washington University in St. Louis

March 1
LEED v4 CEU Blitz
Speakers: Thomas Taylor, Vertegy Consultants; Dan Hellmuth, Hellmuth + Bicknese Architects; Lindsey Evans, PGAV, Inc.; Nick Bristow, Forum Studio; Mary Ann Lazarus, FAIA, MALeco, LLC; Paul Todd Merrill, Clayco

March 8
Fostering Wellness Through the Built Environment

Speaker: Jessica Cooper, Project Management, Delos

March 9
Understanding the WELL Building Standard

Speaker: Jessica Rose Cooper, Delos Solutions

April 12
9th Annual Green Schools Event

April 20
Big Rivers, Big Problems, Big Solutions
In partnership with CSI
Speakers: Derek Hoeferlin, Washington University in St. Louis; Nick Reding, Journalist; David Wilson, East-West Gateway Council of Governments

May 10
LEED Showcase: Local LEED v4 and Living Buildings

Speakers: Ed Maggart, The College School; Tim Wood, The College School; Jon Emert, JEMA; Ron Finney, HOK

June 7
A Look at School Buildings with Resilience in Mind

Speakers: Todd Hanger, FGM Architects Inc.; Stephen Raskin, FGM Architects Inc.

June 14
Tour of Danforth Plant Science Center

July 12
Sweet Sustainability
Speakers: Dave Peterson, CRB; Keith Higgins, CRB 

July 27
Living Buildings & Communities
Speaker: Ralph Bicknese, Athellmuth + Bicknese architects

August 9
Steps Toward Achieving Advanced Energy Performance in Existing Buildings

In partnership with ASHRAE
Speaker: Terry E. Townsend, P.E., Townsend Engineering Inc.

August 10
Energy Goals and Integrated Design
In partnership with ASHRAE
Speaker: Terry E. Townsend, P.E., Townsend Engineering Inc.

September 12
Van Jones: Green Jobs, Not Jails
In partnership with Washington University in St. Louis
Speaker: Van Jones, attorney and author

October 18
Prairie Polycultures: Sustainable, Edible Landscapes
Speakers: Carol Davit, Missouri Prairie Foundation; Scott Allegrucci, The Land Institute; Dr. Claudia Ciotir, Saint Louis University

October 27
Evaluating Healthy Building Design
Speaker: Amy A. Eyler, Brown School, Washington University in St. Louis

November 1
CEU Blitz: Energy in Buildings
Speakers: Jake Barnet, Morgan Stanley; Lawrence Lile, Lile Engineering; Josh Campbell, Missouri Energy Initiative; Annie Smith, Ross & Baruzzini; James Dice, Sitton Energy Solutions; Rhonda Hamm-Niebruegge, Lambert-St. Louis International Airport; Julie Cooper, Development Strategies; Marijn Braadbaart, Ross & Baruzzini; Ryan Corrigan, 8760 Engineering; Punit Jain, Cannon Design; Lisa Reed, Envision Lighting Design; Emily Andrews, USGBC-MGC; Chatchai Pinthuprapa, Missouri Department of Economic Development/Division of Energy; Anne Hill, RAHILL Capital, LLC; Jeff Kelley, Ameren Missouri BizSavers Program; Jim Travis, Laclede Gas Company