Connect on the Quest 2021-2024

Connect on the Quest is a virtual gathering centered on providing Green Schools Quest participants with opportunities to connect with each other and learn together. It is also open to educators who are not yet participating, but would like to learn about the subjects...
GSQ Mentor Meetups

GSQ Mentor Meetups

Mentor Meetups are an opportunity for Green Schools Quest Mentors to: share updates on your project with fellow mentors, learn about others’ projects and progress, seek suggestions/resources from fellow mentors, and provide general input on the program. 2023-2024...

Connect on the Quest

Connect on the Quest is a virtual speakers series sharing Green Schools Quest project stories and resources to support schools in their green schools endeavors, providing participants with opportunities to connect with each other and learn together. It is also open to...
Green Schools Quest Information Sessions

Green Schools Quest Information Sessions

The Green Schools Quest challenges PreK-12 schools in Missouri and Southern Illinois to devise and implement creative, effective and no/low-cost sustainability practices at their school over six months with the help of a volunteer Green Mentor. Learn more about the...
Become a Green Mentor & Help a Local School Go Green

Become a Green Mentor & Help a Local School Go Green

Missouri Gateway Green Building Council and Missouri Environmental Education Association are looking for passionate individuals to help schools improve their students’ health, reduce their environmental impact, and develop a culture of sustainability. Make a...