PROTECT Energy Efficiency in our Building Codes

Feb 3, 2023 | Advocacy & Policy, Buildings as Climate Solutions

Green line drawing icon of a classic light bulb with a leaf inside and lines outside to show it's on.

Missouri House Bill 580 aims to restrict the advancement and implementation of energy code by municipalities and local jurisdictions. House Bill 580 prevents communities from adopting ordinances, resolutions, regulations, codes, or policies that:

  • Prohibit or have the effect of prohibiting framed cavities in new dwellings from being used as ducts or plenums; or
  • Require or have the effect of requiring: new dwellings to have a wood frame wall cavity insulation R-value greater than 13; to utilize exterior continuous insulation; to have a ceiling insulation R-value greater than 38, or to have a maximum air leakage rate less than five air changes per hour.

House Bill 580 DOES NOT support Buildings As Climate Solutions, nor does it support greener, healthier buildings for Missourians, you and your community.

The City of St. Louis, Columbia and Kansas City – along with nearly 90 other municipalities throughout Missouri – have adopted codes with higher energy saving standards than those allowed by House Bill 580. If enacted,

  • HB 580 would force these municipalities to go backwards with their energy codes.

Strong building energy codes at the local level are important to municipalities’ ability to help their residents pay less on energy bills, to reduce local pollution, to meet climate and environmental goals, and to improve resilience; building a stronger triple bottom line. Lowering energy bills is especially important for low-income Missourians, who pay more for energy costs than other Missourians. Your neighbors pay an energy burden.

Increased building efficiency supports the triple bottom line because:

  • it helps Missourians save money on energy bills;
  • it creates healthier environments for building occupants, and
  • it protects Missouri’s natural resources.

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Energy efficiency makes good sense.

The bottom line on HB 580: DOES NOT make good sense.

It DOES NOT support Buildings as Climate Solutions, nor does it support greener, healthier buildings for Missourians.

Missouri Gateway Green Building Council stands with AIA-St. Louis, AIA-Missouri, AIA-Kansas City, Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, USGBC, and the Sierra Club in opposing HB 580.

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