Access to education, data, news and views, research, updates on green building rating systems, code and more – this is all central to Missouri Gateway Green Building Council’s efforts to make every building a green building.
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Explore green building activity in the Missouri Gateway Green Building Council’s territory on, the Green Building Information Gateway.
Get to know us.
Our member directory is free and open to the public.
“I am committed to making our community, our region, our world a better place for my family, friends, and our neighbors. Green building is the way to get there (as an architect) and that is why I am a Missouri Gateway Green Building Council member.”
Green building rating systems provide a pathyway to greener, better buildings. We know there are a lot of rating systems out there. Get started learning more here!
Earn a Green Credential.
Like green building rating systems – there are a lot of options out there for green credentials. From LEED Green Associate and LEED Accredited Professional to TRUE Advisors, green professional credentials indicate that you are proficient in today’s sustainable design, construction and operations standards.
Get educated on green buildings.
The exchange of information is a regular, ongoing feature of Missouri Gateway Green Building Council activities. Whether learning about LEED, WELL, Living Buildings or Passive Homes, discussing equity in the built environment, taking actions beyond commitments, or advocating for the health and vitality of all life within a generation.
Do you need help with benchmarking or energy efficiency in your building?
Visit our partners at Building Energy Exchange St. Louis. BE-Ex STL is the trusted technical, financial, and business development resource that can help you get to net-zero in a way that makes sense for your bottom line.
We’ve got all the resources you need.
We are rebranding to Missouri Gateway Green Building Council!
The what and why behind rebranding. For several years, our board and our Engagement & Outreach Committee (formerly Membership & Marketing Committee) have been discussing the possibility of refreshing our brand. The conversation started with the need for a new...
Energy Efficiency & the Split Incentive Problem
On the evening of July 12, 2022, Missouri Gateway Green Building Council hosted our monthly educational program with Building Energy Exchange St. Louis, a project of Missouri Gateway Chapter, at Rockwell Beer Company. Fueled by...
I’m a Green Building Professional
In an effort to shed some light on what being a green building professional means and encourage new entrants into the industry, the Engagement & Outreach Committee at Missouri Gateway Green Building Council launched “I am a Green Building Professional” campaign to...
We’re talking the talk.
Over the year’s we’ve given all sorts of green building presentations – from Green Building 101 to Making the Business Case for Sustainable Design and Construction and LEED education series. If you need a presentation, a panelist or a moderator – we know green!
To become a speaker, email us with your credentials and tell us what your specialty is.