Local Green Building Projects
We’re collecting local LEED and green building project case studies to showcase how buildings can be climate heroes. Got a good sustainability success story to share? Contact us at info@mogreenbuildings.org.
Check out these green building successes!
St. Louis, MO MilliporeSigma Lowers Energy Consumption with lighting and HVAC updates PROJECT BACKGROUND This branch office of MilliporeSigma, located on Spruce near Midtown, contains a data center, food service and lab production areas, and office space. They have...
Flance Early Learning Center
St. Louis, MO Nurturing the Young as a Catalyst for Healthy Communities Founded with the desire that all children have the best possible start in life, regardless of their families’ socioeconomic development, Flance Early Learning Center addresses healthy development...
Green Buildings within Missouri Gateway GBC’s Territory
Explore green building activity in the USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter’s territory on GBIG.org, the Green Building Information Gateway.