USGBC will once again offer First Friday Webinars in 2023. These are previously recorded, highly rated, LEED specific education programs. Gather with peers and colleagues at noon Central Time on first Friday of each month to earn those CEs!
These courses are available for anyone to attend, but are free to local or company USGBC members. That includes Missouri Gateway Green Building Council members!
Access the webinar registration and code here. You will be prompted to login to access the code. You can use the code to register for one or more of the first Friday webinars. Questions? Reach out to your MO Gateway Green Building Council staff at
- January: Tales from Successful LEED Certification Reviews
- February: ESG Priorities of LEED Communities
- March: From Risk to Resilience: Building a healthier, more resilient future
- April: Preparing the Workforce for a Clean Energy Economy: LEED Cities Advancing a Just Transition
- May: LEED Communities Deploying Regenerative Solutions
- June: Social Equity as a Driver for Neighborhood Development: Embracing Community Engagement
- July: Prioritizing Nature for Equity and Resilience
- August: Leveraging LEED v4.1 Residential into Building Healthy and High Performance Sustainable Homes
- September: Putting Principles Into Action: the Future of LEED
- October: Building the Future: Addressing Decarbonization, Zero Waste, and ESG Goals for Construction
- November: Financing Communities: Racing towards Zero for the Triple Bottom Line
- December: Electrification, Decarbonization and LEED
Please note: programs are currently being finalized and may be subject to change, topics will still be similar, all programs will be LEED-Specific.