Member Survey

Take our 2020 Member Survey and help us serve you and our mission better! Every member that takes the survey will be entered into a raffle to win something amazing! 

Take the survey and help us grow greener!

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“I first became a Missouri Gateway Green Building Council member due to my passion for green building. As current Manager of The Resource Center @ AIA (American Institute of Architects) St. Louis, I am fortunate to work with architects, designers, and building material providers. Like myself, AIA pledges to contribute towards a greener and more sustainable world. It is imperative that we create an environmentally friendly world and Missouri Gateway GBC not only provides valuable information and resources but also tangible ways to put said knowledge into place. More Green Building = better green living. I encourage anyone interested in learning more or contributing towards a more sustainable world to get involved!”

David Charles

Resource Center Manager, The Resource Center @ American Institute of Architects St. Louis Chapter