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Annual Green Schools Event

Missouri History Museum 5700 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis, MO, United States

Join us for the 18th annual celebration event for all of our Show-Me Green Schools program participants at the Missouri History Museum!

Missouri Green Schools 301: Waste, Water, and Energy Audits

In this session, we will cover how to conduct a waste, water, and energy audit at your school. While this session is open to enrolled schools at any level, these are more advanced skills and we recommend this session for Level Sprout and above. 

Missouri Green Schools 401: Pillars of Green Ribbon

In this session, we will cover the three pillars of the US Department of Education Green Ribbon Award. This session is open for all MGS enrolled schools, however this is most applicable to those schools who are planning on seeking recognition as a US Department of Education Green Ribbon Award Winner.

Missouri Green Schools Virtual Celebration

All Missouri Green Schools are invited to our virtual celebration where we will announce the new levels of each school, celebrate the accomplishments of our educators and students, and give the schools a chance to share their achievements.