Green Schools
Green Schools honor the complexities and interconnectedness of human and environmental health as well as the pivotal role schools play in our society. They develop agency among our youth and empower diverse stakeholders to collaborate on reducing environmental impact, improving health and wellness, and increasing sustainability literacy by implementing green and healthy practices across schools’ buildings and grounds, educational programming and culture.
Go green in your school.
Missouri Gateway Green Building Council supports sustainability in schools through the Show-Me Green Schools suite of programs. Check out the programs below, which we co-deliver with the Missouri Environmental Education Association.

Green Schools Quest: A Project-Based Challenge
The Green Schools Quest is an annual project-based challenge to PreK-12 schools to devise and implement no/low cost sustainability projects at their school over a six month period of time with the help of a community volunteer who serves as a Green Mentor. Schools document their impact, such as energy savings or increased biodiversity, during the project and submit their project’s process and impact for judging by an impartial panel at the conclusion. Cash Awards and trophies are presented to winning teams in Elementary, Middle and High School Divisions and five Spotlight Awards are presented across the age divisions.
Missouri Green Schools
Missouri Green Schools is a statewide recognition program which focuses on supporting schools in taking a systems-based approach to identify and advance practices throughout their campuses, educational programming, and school culture that reduce environmental impact, improve health and wellness, and provide place-based education. Additional support is provided for schools that have 60% or more of their students qualifying for free or reduced-priced lunch, including one-on-one support to set goals and track progress and small grant opportunities. In the state of Missouri, Missouri Green Schools serves as the conduit for the U.S Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools award. Missouri Green Schools is a joint program of the Missouri Gateway Green Building Council and the Missouri Environmental Education Association.

Missouri Green Schools
Missouri Green Schools is a statewide recognition program which focuses on supporting schools in taking a systems-based approach to identify and advance practices throughout their campuses, educational programming, and school culture that reduce environmental impact, improve health and wellness, and provide place-based education. Additional support is provided for schools that have 60% or more of their students qualifying for free or reduced-priced lunch, including one-on-one support to set goals and track progress and small grant opportunities. In the state of Missouri, Missouri Green Schools serves as the conduit for the U.S Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools award. Missouri Green Schools is a joint program of the Missouri Gateway Green Building Council and the Missouri Environmental Education Association.

U.S. Department of Education’s Green Ribbon Schools (ED-GRS)
Since 2016, Missouri Green Schools has partnered with the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) to nominate Missouri schools for the U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools award. ED-GRS recognition award honors schools and school districts. Both Missouri Green Schools and ED-GRS are aligned with and recognize schools for their achievements across all three “pillars” of a green school:
1) reduced environmental impacts and costs;
2) improved health and wellness of schools, students and staff;
3) effective environmental and sustainability education.
To be considered for ED-GRS, schools must document a high level of performance across all 3 pillars.
Sustainability Institute for Educators
The Sustainability Institute for Educators challenges participants to help learners build awareness, recognize responsibility, and take action as global citizens working to build a sustainable world. Held annually in June, the institute is designed for informal and K-12 educators from all roles and environments and is produced in partnership by Webster University, Missouri Botanical Garden, Saint Louis Zoo, Missouri Gateway Green Building Council, and additional partners. At the Institute, we define sustainability in an educational context, present examples of K-12 schools and resources for sustainability, and provide working sessions for educators to plan for how they can bring sustainability into their classrooms and institutions. A different theme is established each year and is explored through the lens of Education for Sustainability (EfS).

Sustainability Institute for Educators
The Sustainability Institute for Educators challenges participants to help learners build awareness, recognize responsibility, and take action as global citizens working to build a sustainable world. Held annually in June, the institute is designed for informal and K-12 educators from all roles and environments and is produced in partnership by Webster University, Missouri Botanical Garden, Saint Louis Zoo, Missouri Gateway Green Building Council, and additional partners. At the Institute, we define sustainability in an educational context, present examples of K-12 schools and resources for sustainability, and provide working sessions for educators to plan for how they can bring sustainability into their classrooms and institutions. A different theme is established each year and is explored through the lens of Education for Sustainability (EfS).
Join us and be a part of the Green Schools movement.
“The Green Schools Quest is the type of program that shines a light on the importance of sustainability and the interconnectivity of systems not only within our city, but also in the world. It is incredible to see the passion in the young children when they speak about our planet, and being a part of this program provides me with joy that is on a different level from my daily work.”
Questions? We’ve got answers.
Check out our FAQs below. For additional questions, contact us.
Why participate in the Green Schools Quest?
- The Green Schools Quest’s structure, resources, community connections and friendly competition (including opportunities to win cash awards and trophies!) support student-driven sustainability action at local schools.
- Healthier, sustainable learning and teaching environments are created through collaborative work by students, teachers, and Mentors.
- Schools receive support and guidance from a Green Mentor and connect students to green building careers.
- School and Mentor participants connect with a network of fellow green schools champions to share resources, learn about best practices, and address challenges in undertaking school sustainability initiatives.
- Schools earn recognition for green schools work through an annual celebration and opportunities to win cash awards and trophies.
- Green Schools Quest projects promote environmental stewardship in our communities, improve learning and teaching environments, encourage students to think creatively about sustainability, conserve our natural resources which can result in lower school operating costs, energize sustainable curriculum in local school systems, and engage the community in helping students to green their schools.
What schools participate in the Green Schools Quest?
- The Green Schools Quest is open to all PreK-12 schools within the state of Missouri and Southern Illinois (within the Missouri Gateway Green Building Council’s territory.) Interested schools must register to participate by the annual deadline of Sept 15.
- Schools can participate no matter where they are on their sustainability journey, whether they are just getting started or already have green initiatives in place.
- Click here to view the list of 2022-2023 Green Schools Quest participants (more than 50 schools and mentors!)
- Click here to view a map of past school participants.
How can my school participate in the Green Schools Quest?
- To participate in the Green Schools Quest, your school must complete the online registration form (Registration opens annually in the Spring and closes on Sept 15.)
- Each school forms a team of students to participate. This team can be a club, class, grade level, or the entire school.
- Additionally, each school is required to have one faculty, staff, or parent from the school serve as their team’s sponsor. This sponsor works together with the Green Mentor and student team to identify, investigate, and implement the school’s selected project, and submit final results to Missouri Gateway Green Building Council.
Who are the Green Schools Quest mentors?
- Green Schools Quest Mentors (Green Mentors) are volunteers from the Missouri Gateway Green Building Council and Missouri Environmental Education Association that have sustainability expertise. Schools are matched with Green Mentors to help them identify, investigate, and implement a no- to low-cost sustainability project.
- Mentors represent a broad range of professions and include architects, engineers, educators, project managers, landscape architects, urban planners, sustainability coordinators, retired community members, and more.
- Click here to view the list of 2022-2023 Green Schools Quest participants (more than 50 schools and mentors!)
What are the Green Mentor responsibilities?
- Mentors should have a passion for creating sustainable learning environments and working with schools.
- Fill out the Mentor Registration Form (Opens in Spring and closes Aug 31 each year.)
- Participate in a Green Schools Quest Orientation.
- Commit 2-5 hours of working with your assigned school each month from October through March. Green Mentors interact and communicate with schools by phone, email, video conferencing, and in-person meetings (as health and safety guidelines allow.)
- Provide guidance, resources, and encouragement as needed to assist students and their team sponsor as they plan and implement their chosen sustainability project.
- Participate in Mentor Meet-Ups and Connect on the Quest activities if available.
- Assist with documentation and preparation of final submission.
- Attend the Annual Green Schools Event if available.
- Submit two quick, online progress surveys.
- Be an active member of Missouri Gateway Green Building Council and/or Missouri Environmental Education Association.
How do I become a Green Mentor?
- Complete the Mentor Registration Form (Registration for the 2023-2024 school year opens in Spring 2023). Once we receive your registration form, Missouri Gateway Green Building Council staff will follow-up with additional details and to confirm your participation. Before applying, please review the Green Mentor responsibilities above.
What impact is the Green Schools Quest having?
- While the immediate impact of these projects may result in energy/water savings, cleaner air, and healthier learning environments, Missouri Gateway Green Building Council hopes that the Green Schools Quest will also strengthen relationships between schools and the community, create a lasting awareness of the importance of green schools, and catalyze a movement that fosters an attitude to appreciate and model sustainable practices.
- Since the program launched in 2013:194 schools have participated (many for multiple years), 469 projects have been embarked upon, and more than 300 projects have been completed (final submissions received.) According to schools’ final submission reports, over 29,000 students and staff have directly participated and nearly 240,000 additional students, staff and community members have been impacted by the projects.
- Check out these examples of past GSQ projects for a sampling of videos, written summaries and interviews that showcase Green Schools Quest projects and impacts.
- Click here to view a map of past school participants.
What is the annual timeline of the Green Schools Quest?
- Spring: School and mentor registration opens.
- August 31: Mentor registration due.
- September 15: School registration due.
- October through mid-March: Participating schools work with their Green Mentors to plan and implement sustainability projects at their schools. Projects are intended to be no or low-cost and must be NEW initiatives or major expansions of existing initiatives.
- March 15: Final Submission materials due. Submissions are then reviewed by a panel of judges and Division (elementary, middle, high) and Spotlight Award winners are determined.
- April: Winners are announced at the Annual Green Schools Event.
- May: Awards are presented to winning schools.
What resources are available for schools and mentors participating in the 2022-2023 Green Schools Quest?
- Welcome Letter: outlines noteworthy items for 2022-2023 and includes links to resources all on one page you can bookmark and keep handy.
- Introduction to the 2022-2023 Green Schools Quest: video orientation for schools and mentors.
- Examples of Past GSQ Projects: View video compilations, written summaries, interviews and final project submission materials highlighting past Green Schools Quest participants’ projects.
- Green Mentor Checklist: mentor-oriented checklist of actions for Getting Started and best practices for Ongoing tasks throughout the Quest.
- School Lead Checklist: school-oriented checklist of actions for Getting Started and best practices for Ongoing tasks throughout the Quest.
- Ways for Mentors to Engage: Each school, project, team, and mentor is unique – so the support that a Green Mentor provides varies. We recommend that the School Lead and Mentor review the ideas listed here and mutually determine the best form of support that the mentor can provide this year.
- Final Submission Materials: View outline of all materials due March 15 here, including Final Submission Form, 5 minute max digital presentation, 1-2 page written report, self-assessment (optional, worth 5 points), and photo releases.
- Photo Releases: A photo release must be submitted for every student that appears in the images included in the monthly submission forms. Two options are available: an Individual Photo Release Form to be signed by each student’s parent/guardian, or a Certificate of School Official Photo Release upon which a school official certifies that the school/district has secured and has on file all appropriate image release and permission agreements and consents from parents/guardians of school children who appear in images shared by the school.
- Evaluation Rubric used by the judges when reviewing submissions.
- Missouri Green Schools Baseline Self-Assessment (click here to create an editable copy) In an effort to encourage holistic integration of school sustainability practices and better connect the Green Schools Quest with it’s sister program, Missouri Green Schools (MGS), the MGS Baseline Self-Assessment has been introduced as a new tool. This assessment takes about 30 minutes to complete and earns schools in the Traditional track 5 points or schools in the Adapted track a bonus raffle entry.The completed self-assessment may be emailed to or directly uploaded into the final submission form.
- Overview of the Rainbow of Sustainability Principles
- Project Idea Lists: We have two lists of ways to green your school that can help your team to generate ideas: Project Ideas organized by START Metric and our 101+ Ways to Green Your School.
- Connect on the Quest: a virtual gathering centered on providing Green Schools Quest participants with opportunities to connect with each other and learn together. It is also open to educators who are not yet participating, but would like to learn about the resources presented. The 2022-23 Connect on the Quest series will focus on resources and education surrounding Climate Action.
- Mentor Meet-Ups: Each year, we host two Mentor Meet-Ups for Mentors in the Green Schools Quest. Attendance is optional. The gatherings are an opportunity to: share updates on your project with fellow mentors, learn about others’ projects and progress, seek suggestions/resources from fellow mentors, and provide general input on the program.
Tips for Spreading the Good Green Word: One of the most important green actions you can take is to share what you learn with others. This document provides ten tips to help you spread the word about your efforts to green your school.
What is included in the final submission for the Green Schools Quest?
- Green Schools Quest participating schools submit a Final Submission Form which collects basic school/project information and impact stats, a short written report, a 5-minute maximum digital presentation to share results of the project, not limited to photos, drawings, videos or other media. Photo releases are also required. All 2022-2023 final submission materials are outlined here.
- These materials will help us celebrate and highlight your school’s accomplishments at the Annual Green Schools Event, and to determine award winners.
What is the 2022-2023 Focus of the Year?
- The 2022-2023 theme is Climate Action. This document introduces the theme and highlights three key areas for taking meaningful climate action: Energy, Food, and Community Voice.
- Each year, a “Focus of the Year” theme for the Green Schools Quest is designated as an OPTIONAL area of focus for participants who would like to be considered for the “Focus of the Year” Spotlight Award. Themes are selected to reflect current issues both locally and globally.
- To be considered for the Focus of the Year award, schools must submit 150 words or less describing how their project relates to Climate Action in their Final Submission materials.
- Our Connect on the Quest series will be focused on Climate Action resources and education this year.
What awards are presented, and how are they determined?
- Cash awards and trophies are presented to winning teams in Elementary, Middle and High School Divisions: 1st place ($600), 2nd place ($400), 3rd place ($200)
- Additionally, five Spotlight Awards are presented across the age divisions: Rookie of the Year, Sustainability Champion, Focus of the Year: Climate Action, Judges’ Choice, and Innovation. Spotlight Awardees receive a $100 cash award.
Winners are determined by a panel of judges using this evaluation rubric.
What is the Rainbow of Sustainability?
- The Rainbow of Sustainability is a framework for integrating sustainability principles into students’ learning and Green Schools Quest projects.
- The Rainbow of Sustainability includes seven sustainability principles: Importance of Place, Interconnectedness, Respect for Limits, Systems Thinking, Cycles, Social Justice, Global Citizenship.
- Green Schools Quest participants earn extra points for integrating at least two principles into their projects, as outlined in the evaluation rubric!
- Click here to view a presentation on how to apply the Rainbow of Sustainability tool.
See highlights from the past year.
Attend the Green Schools Conference, March 3-4, 2025
Missouri Gateway Green Building Council is a proud promotional partner of the Green Schools Conference hosted by the Center for Green Schools, and we are excited to announce the 2025 Conference will be held in Orlando, Florida on March 3-4! This conference provides...
Winners of the 2023 – 2024 Green Schools Quest!
We had a record turnout at this 17th Annual Green Schools Event on April 25 where all of this year's Green Schools Quest Schools & Mentors were celebrated and winners of this year's Quest were announced. Congratulations to the winners an all the schools for...
Join us in Santa Fe for the Annual Green Schools Conference, March 5-7, 2024!
The Center for Green Schools will host an in-person conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico to explore topics related to sustainability in schools. As a promotional partner for this year’s conference, we encourage all of our members to explore the program and register....
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