Member Spotlight – Gillian Garland

by | Aug 6, 2024 | Homepage Featured, Member Network

Gillian Garland, Green Dining Alliance Program Manager, earthday365
Missouri Gateway Green Building Council Member since June 2024

Description of your work in green building:
I am the program manager for the Green Dining Alliance at earthday365. My program involves helping small to medium sized businesses from food trucks to brick and mortar restaurants and dining halls become more sustainable. This can be done by implementing EnergyStar rated appliances, performing a food waste audit, sourcing locally, and educating the community on best practices.

Sustainability passion:
I have a BS in Sustainability from Maryville University, so Sustainability is my bread and butter. I found a love for sustainability in my late teens when I joined the Ecology Club at Belleville East High and went hiking frequently. Through this grew a love for the outdoors and eventually a thirst for knowledge on how to preserve nature. When I took a LEED design class in university, I was fascinated with the innovation taking place in the Green Building space. I appreciated how all-encompassing LEED practices are because they not only think about the building’s materials, but the well-being of its inhabitants. Through my work at earthday365, I am able to work with sustainability in an unconventional manner. Restaurants in the Green Dining Alliance not only reduce their carbon footprint, but also reduce operating costs by implementing sustainable strategies into their daily operations.

Most meaningful experience with MGGBC Chapter:
While I am a newer member of MGGBC, I feel included. I met most of the chapter at the summer social event and felt welcomed. The conversations I had with other members over a local beer and a plant were energizing. I look forward to attending more MGGBC events in the future.

What will most impact the future of green building:
Water conservation methods. Prior to my time at earthday365, I worked for the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, particularly in their Drinking Water division. While I was there, we focused on water quality and conservation. Water is one of the most important resources on this planet and we only have a finite amount of it. As St. Louisans, we do not have to think about where we get our water from because of our large aquifers and proximity to two large rivers, but the rest of the planet does not have the same luxury. Due to the lack of water resources, more innovative water-use strategies and technologies will come about.

Favorite LEED (or sustainability) Project:
I did a project in University on the ENR2 Building at the University of Arizona. The unique architectural qualities that allow it to cool the common areas, the rooftop garden with solar panels, and the natural light create an oasis in the middle of campus. While I have admired and researched this project digitally, I hope to visit it in person in the future.

Favorite place in the St. Louis region or Missouri Gateway GBC territory:
The St. Louis Art Museum Expansion is the first LEED certified building I knowingly visited. The natural light and fantastic art collection makes it one of my favorite places to visit in the city alone or with loved ones. Both the Art Museum and History Museum are both LEED certified. I have built so many memories with loved ones in those walls and I am grateful to have grown up in such close proximity to them.